Indian ethics has a special characteristic of the Ashram system. Every individual by nature passes through various stages of life. Indian thinkers correlate the stages of the individual to society. Indian thinkers prescribed duties to every stage of life. The prescribed duties contribute to social welfare and social stability. The Ashram system has four stages. Every individual passes through the stages of a Brahmachari (a student), a Grihastha (a householder), a Vanaprastha (retired), and a Sanyasin (a wandering monk.) The stage of a householder is very important for the stability of society. The individual enters into the first unit of society i.e family, by entering Grihasth ashrama. A householder enjoys the pleasures of life. At the same time, he has many responsibilities. He has to take care of his family, the guests, and other society members. The concept of Rna implies obligation and responsibility. Man is a social animal. His development is possible, because many othe
The biggest and most persistent question faced by psychologists has been whether human traits develop at birth or later on through experience. Plato assumed that character and intelligence and certain ideas are inherited. Aristotle on the other hand argued that everything that is there in our mind has come through the external world through our senses. In other words, he said that whatever information, sensation, feelings are stored in our mind has come through our experiences of the external world. John Locke also argued that the mind is a blank sheet on which experiences write. René Descartes did not agree with this suggestion and believed that some ideas are innate. Descartes’ ideas got support from a naturalist, Charles Darwin . The role of internal or innate factors was supported by Charles Darwin's concept of natural selection. He explained the diversity in different organisms of the same species as stemming from the process of natural selection. Thus, nature selects th