Keep Scientific Attitude, Be Curious, Skepticism And Humble

Scientific Attitude: Curiosity, Skepticism, And Humble

Scientific attitude is marked by curiosity, skepticism, and humbleness. Keep Scientific Attitude, Be Curious, Skepticism, And Humble. BY AYUSH HEALTH AND WELLNESS™
Scientific attitude is marked by curiosity, skepticism, and humbleness. Every science is guided by curiosity, a passion to explore and understand without misleading or without being misled. A scientific attitude is required to come close to real answers to the questions rather than the fantasy-based answers. For this purpose being skepticism is more important.

Being skeptical does not only mean being analytical and durable but open for answers. So as a scientist psychologist, approach the world of behavior with curious skepticism by asking questions like what do you mean? How do you know? The skeptical thinking allows a psychologist to select the best suitable answers for an explanation of human behavior. For Example, can astrologers predict anyone's future based on the position of the planet on the birth chart? Is electroconvulsive therapy an effective treatment for severe depression? Such questions are put to test by the psychologist. On the basis of such skeptical thinking, the answer to the first question is NO and YES for the second question.

Putting a scientific attitude into practice not only requires curiosity skepticism but also humility. Humility refers to an awareness of one's own vulnerability to errors and openness to surprises and new perspectives.

Historians of science tell us that these three attitudes, curiosity, skepticism, and humbleness have made modern sciences more advanced. Some deeply religious people may consider science as a threat, but the leaders of the scientific revolution, a scientist like Isaac Newton and Copernicus were deeply religious, they were acting on the idea that "in order to love and honor God it is necessary to fully appreciate the wonders of his handiwork (Stark 2003). However scientist, like anyone else, have their egos and may cling to their preconceptions, but the ideals of curiosity, skepticism, and humbleness help to maintain the objectivity of the obtained information.
"Be always humble. Be humble for what you have and Be humble for what you do not have."



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